Towards creating a better world, nations have joined hands to work on the eight millennium development goals (MDGs). Civil society groups and organizations are collaborating with governments, in active and passive roles, to achieve them. We, too, are one of these harbingers of peace and prosperity. From eliminating hunger and improving health to providing quality education and work opportunities, our efforts are to achieve the MDGs in a sustainable manner under a single umbrella. That’s the Power of One! Registered as a non-profit NGO in 2016, Power of One was initiated with the belief that one person, through his efforts can make the world a better place and invoke a million smiles. Inspired with this contagious bliss, others will soon join in. The result, a peaceful coexistence of humanity with nature. At Power of One, we wake up on chilly winter mornings, toil through hot summer afternoons and step out of our comfort zones, each day, to think and materialize the solutions to the problems we see around.